Unfortunately there are no shortcuts when it comes to losing weight in a controlled and natural way. The examples of people failing with diet pills and actually gaining more weight than they had before are many and the promises made by the diet companies are not met. Even if you did succeed to lose weight with diet pills you still need to make important changes to your diet and exercise habits to make the results stick.
There is Only One You
Everybody is capable of getting healthier and more fit. It is just a matter of taking the first small steps and stick to your diet and exercise plan. It is your commitment and mental strength that dictates if you will succeed.
The diet and exercise plans are different for different people. For people who are obese the path to getting into shape is long and will demand more of you, both in terms of changing habits but also your mental strength. The reward however is that much greater when you finally reach your goals. You will increase your life several years and be able to do things you haven't been able to do before. The answer to the question "Can You Lose Weight Without Exercise" depends on where you begin.
Are You Obese?
If you're overweight and having a hard time walking a longer distance or taking the stairs without catching your breath you need to introduce exercise slowly into your life. For people in this situation it is important to get started losing some of the excess weight first before doing anything else. The best way for you to do this and to be in a better position to exercise is to set up a meal plan that will help you change your diet. Cut out all visits to the fast food restaurants and start to cook your own healthy meals. That is what you need to do as soon as you possibly can.
It will be hard to change everything at once, therefore, take one step at a time and make one simple change every day. Cut something bad out of your diet and bring something healthy into your diet - every day.
When you have a lot of weight to lose you'll find that changing your diet will get you a very long way. By thinking carefully about what you eat and plan for your meals beforehand with the help of a meal plan will make a lot of the weight come right off. At least enough so you can go on to the next step, which is to introduce exercise.
Start with walking, cycling or swimming. These exercise forms are easy on your body yet very effective. As soon as you feel you're able to move more freely you should start combining your new diet with exercise a few times a week.
Also remember that any kind of exercise is good for you. Take a 15 minute walk during your lunch break, play with your kids and take the stairs instead of the elevator. These are things you can do every day!
Take the time today to plan for the week to come, change starts now and not tomorrow!
The Fairly Fit Guy
If you were fit before but have added a few pounds the past years the strategy is a bit different. You should already have control over what you eat. Maybe you need to remove some foods from your diet and add healthier alternatives. When doing so, start to plan your meals to include foods that increase metabolism, avoid fast food and reduce the amount of carbohydrates you eat (e.g. bread and pasta). Just eating healthy will not get you where you want to be. It means that you have to start setting up an exercise routine for yourself. Depending on your goal you need to choose the type of exercise that works for you.
If you have a job, kids and wife, time is a limited resource. This fact does not have to stand in your way. By creating workout routines you can do from home, instead of having to go to the gym, you will get exercises that are time efficient.
With a few cheap tools such as a jump rope and kettle bells you can set up your own home gym. This has worked great for me and other people with the same time limitations in their lives that you perhaps have.
If you don't want to go out and buy equipment, using your own body weight will do just fine. There are many cross fit exercises you can do where you only use your body, no equipment required. It is surprising how efficient this type of training is. Examples include squats, push-ups, sit-ups, interval running, hill running and triceps dips.
The best workout is the workout you do, so get to it and find your favourite exercises today!
In conclusion
The question if you can lose weight without exercise is a matter of who you are, how far you've come and how big your weight problem is. There's no problem that is too big. However, there are different ways to go about the issues you're facing. If you're obese, start with a change in your diet, and do it today. If you're already pretty fit you should continue to eat well and step up your game by planning for how to get more exercise into your life.
Max J Miller is the father of 2 kids and a health and fitness
enthusiast. Just an ordinary guy trying to stay in shape and teach my
kids what's healthy and the things to eat to make your body feel good.
Are you a dad wanting the same things? Come over to GetDadFit now and find more information about fitness and natural weight loss for dads.
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http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Max_J_MillerAre you a dad wanting the same things? Come over to GetDadFit now and find more information about fitness and natural weight loss for dads.
1 commentaires:
Nice blog. Thanks for sharing our life to us. Looking forward for the next! GBU
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